Season's over? Get some rollerblades.
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What to do?
Work hard, save money, move to New Zealand for the southern winter.Current: '20 Spruce Slingshot 119s, '20 Spruce Crossbow 115s, '18 Spruce Osprey 132s (touring), '21 Rvl8 SII 104s, '21 Summit Invertigos 118s
Also: '11 Allz Elaila 94s, '12 Rvl8 Rockered Condor 110s, '15 Spruce Osprey 132s , '18 Spruce Crossbow 115s
Previous: Gaspo Hot Wax 84s, Mantrax 98s, Summit Nomad 99s, Spruce Yellow 120s, Eman Uprise 104s
Get a Prison Pen Pal
Go participate in an amateur kick boxing match
Get involved in crime and then go to jail
Become a smoke jumper
Get some "air" with a rental car
Run with the bulls in Pampalona
Go for a car ride with a lousy driver
Go hunting with Dick Cheney
Cause a power failure
Yell profanity at bikers - then ask if you can join their little club
Throw a tomato into a fan
Play hopscotch...with real scotch
Jump off your roof
Get a job in an office
Find a willing person - saran wrap from the neck down - then duct tape them - see how long it takes for them to get out
Find trees that are close together and jump from tree to tree like Tarzan
Go traveling in a foreign country with no money or credit cards
Try to survive for a week in the wilderness
Do something dangerous with dry ice
Get your riding lawn mower and do donuts on a icy road
Hop a train - even for just a few blocks
Jump off a very high bridge into the river below
Ask a stranger if you can try some of whatever they are eating
Go on a blind date TV Show
Sneak into a golf course in the middle of the night to play golf...using night vision goggles.
LOL Brilliant. That's a great list Bill.
Originally posted by Talon View Postget a sport bike*I do it because I can.
I can because I want to.
I want to because you said I couldn't.
"The butterflies in my stomach have flown up through my throat and learned to love the open air." - World/Inferno
Spruce Sherpas with Prime Pros
'08 KTPs
Originally posted by mhealey View PostI was actually thinking about getting into rolling this summer but I know almost nothing about it. Know any decent beginner skates I could try?I'm a snollerblader.
Go big or go home.
"Just keep on doin' it if you love it. If you don't, scram!" - Angel Soto, SFA, 1996
That list is just great. I definitely suggest "Get a job in an office" for anybody who really, really, really wants to be ready for the next season to start and will be highly motivated to get out on a mountain - any mountain in any condition anwhere and anytime. Locking yourself up in a hermetically sealed box and living life in a corporate cube farm will surely get you ready to rip when the snow flies again.....
I would like to add:
--Try something that scares you. If it scares you badly enough try it at least twice
--Go to a zoo and see a wild animal up close in its enclosure from the same side of the glass the animal is on
--Swim with a polar bear
--Swim with penguins
--Learn to ride a motorcycle
--If you already know how to ride a motorcycle - go ride one, often
--Do something everyday that makes you laugh
--Dance - preferrably in a crowded public place even if there is no music
--Create playlists that enhance the riding experience so your favorite device is loaded and ready to rock when you are
--Create playlists of music you really don't like - then delete that music from your library - no sense in keeping it around anymore - Yanni is never good
--Run through the woods at high speed dodging in between trees and jumping off of everything you can find - this will prepare you for Mount Bohemia where you will do the same thing except in deep powder with skiboards strapped to your feet
--Close your eyes for a few minutes and remember your favorite runs from this season - guaranteed to make you smile and feel better
--Dream of going to Shredfest V - and then make your reservations
--Dream of going to Midwest Meet at Bohemia - and then make your reservations
--Do something nice for a stranger - it makes you feel good and puts a credit in your karma bank
--Share your knowledge of skiboarding with a noob - helps them and puts a credit in your karma bank
--Sleep with your skiboards - they need to feel the loveIn pursuit of Peace, Harmony and Flow.....
Think Like a Mountain
Boards ridden, some owned: Sherpas, Spruce 120 "STS", Blunts, DS110 custom prototypes, Rockered Condors, Revolts, DLPs, Summit Custom 110s, Summit Marauders, Head 94s, Raptor prototypes, Osprey prototypes.
Current: '20 Spruce Slingshot 119s, '20 Spruce Crossbow 115s, '18 Spruce Osprey 132s (touring), '21 Rvl8 SII 104s, '21 Summit Invertigos 118s
Also: '11 Allz Elaila 94s, '12 Rvl8 Rockered Condor 110s, '15 Spruce Osprey 132s , '18 Spruce Crossbow 115s
Previous: Gaspo Hot Wax 84s, Mantrax 98s, Summit Nomad 99s, Spruce Yellow 120s, Eman Uprise 104s
Originally posted by ysb33r View PostBluewing, the style of your last posting has been eerily similar to the Suncreen Song :In pursuit of Peace, Harmony and Flow.....
Think Like a Mountain
Boards ridden, some owned: Sherpas, Spruce 120 "STS", Blunts, DS110 custom prototypes, Rockered Condors, Revolts, DLPs, Summit Custom 110s, Summit Marauders, Head 94s, Raptor prototypes, Osprey prototypes.
Things to avoid:
American beer
New Jersey sushi
Getting drunk and having a "friend" give you a tattoo
Contracting herpes
Church on Sunday. Go on Wednesday. What the hell else are you doing on a Wednesday night? Make sure to talk to and if appropriate hug women that know your mother.
Your friends girlfriends - even if they broke up
Any girl you friends girlfriends say are "cute" but you nor anyone you know has actually seen. If you choose to ignore this advice at least be smart enough to take a large, reflective object with you and only look at her in the reflection.
Activities that will likely end with the statement "You are now under arrest""It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Jiddu Krisnamurti
Spruce Sherpa - RVL8 KTP - RVL8 Blunt XL
Things to avoid:
--American beer - how long have you been in Japan? The American beer revolution started a long, long time ago...
--Church on Sunday. Go on Wednesday. What the hell else are you doing on a Wednesday night? that is just plain funny....
More things to avoid:
--Any activity that is likely to lead to you saying "don't taze me bro!"
--Getting drunk and having a friend pierce any of your body parts (I can speak to that from personal experience)
--Situations that make you give up on your dreams
--People that bring you down
--Mean dogs
--Mean people
--Mean people walking mean dogs
--Mean dogs walking mean people
--People who ask you when you are going to be able to ski on grown-up skis
--Throwing up in your own car
--Wearing shoes that make your feet hurt
--Wearing ski boots that make your feet hurt
--Wearing underwear that gives you a wedgie
--Wearing itchy clothesIn pursuit of Peace, Harmony and Flow.....
Think Like a Mountain
Boards ridden, some owned: Sherpas, Spruce 120 "STS", Blunts, DS110 custom prototypes, Rockered Condors, Revolts, DLPs, Summit Custom 110s, Summit Marauders, Head 94s, Raptor prototypes, Osprey prototypes.
Originally posted by mahatma View PostThings to avoid:
American beer
New Jersey sushi
Contracting herpes
Church on Sunday. Go on Wednesday. What the hell else are you doing on a Wednesday night? Make sure to talk to and if appropriate hug women that know your mother.
Activities that will likely end with the statement "You are now under arrest"
I know some great sushi restaurants in Jersey. It's sushi restaurants in land locked states that you have to worry about.
Herpes, the gift that keeps on giving.
Wednesday nights are for open mics and jamming.
Under arrest…see below.
Originally posted by Bill View PostGet involved in crime and then go to jail
Get some "air" with a rental car
Go hunting with Dick Cheney
Cause a power failure
Throw a tomato into a fan
Play hopscotch...with real scotch
Jump off your roof
Go traveling in a foreign country with no money or credit cards
Ask a stranger if you can try some of whatever they are eating
How much air is considered "air?"
Hunting with the former vice president is a terrible idea. FACE SHOT
Power failure…check!
Instead of a tomato, how about a huge clump if toilet paper soaked with water and thrown into an open from metal bladed fan?
Hopscotch with real scotch…That's like drunken kickball
Jumping off your roof into a pool?
Traveling with no money, eh? Does getting mugged count?
Make sure you film asking the stranger if you can try some. Especially if they let you.
Originally posted by Bluewing View Post--Go to a zoo and see a wild animal up close in its enclosure from the same side of the glass the animal is on.
Originally posted by Bluewing View PostThings to avoid:
--Throwing up in your own carI'm a snollerblader.
Go big or go home.
"Just keep on doin' it if you love it. If you don't, scram!" - Angel Soto, SFA, 1996