For those in the Northern Hemisphere the end of the season will soon be here. I know you are thinking about getting that mountain bike tuned up or buying a new climbing harness or maybe keeping your cooler filled with beer at the beach so look into that closet for boards you don't ride.
I am looking for a set of Rumspringas (boards only) - Rockets or MaryJanes - in good condition for my daughter. She is 15 and has been on Head 94s for 2 seasons and does very well on them. They don't have enough speed for her anymore and I am looking to get her on true skiboards. She isn't particularly athletic and only rides groomers so I am thinking the Rumspringas would be great.
Send me a PM if you have some Rumspringas you would lke to sell.

I am looking for a set of Rumspringas (boards only) - Rockets or MaryJanes - in good condition for my daughter. She is 15 and has been on Head 94s for 2 seasons and does very well on them. They don't have enough speed for her anymore and I am looking to get her on true skiboards. She isn't particularly athletic and only rides groomers so I am thinking the Rumspringas would be great.
Send me a PM if you have some Rumspringas you would lke to sell.