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Full Tilt Ski Boots and Wide Feet

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  • Full Tilt Ski Boots and Wide Feet

    Full Tilt introduced a 102 mm last boot called the "Influence" for the 2010/11 season. This thread refers to the "Original" 3 piece Full Tilt boot with a 98 mm last.

    Full Tilt boots have a reputation of being "narrower" than other boots. This may be turning some riders away from trying them. I know I stayed away, but took a chance and ordered a couple of pair for myself and kept one pair when ordering a pair for my wife. Turns out they fit me very well after oven heat molding. When I measure my foot width, it is 104 mm which is considered relatively wide for a size 10 men’s shoe. That is why I generally size up to US size 10.5.

    The reason may be explained by referring to the following table compiled from various sources. (Note that the widths presented are NOT for Full Tilt Boots. Rather the width presented is generally used to characterize narrow, average or wide feet in the US sizing system.)

    Using myself as an example, my longest foot is 28.2 centimeters (shortest 27.8), and 104 wide (last). To get a race boot fit, It was recommended by a local ski shop that I should buy a 27.5 mondo that would give me a 5 mm gap length when shell fitting.

    I ordered both a 27.0 and 28.0 mondo FT boot. Remember that the shells are the same for a 27 and 27.5 boot, or 28.0 and 28.5; only the liners differ. (You can make a 27 boot work for a 27.5 size with liner oven heat molding. This is the route one should take if you have a low volume ankle and lower leg like I do.)

    I found that I could get the desired race boot fit of 5 mm in the 27 shell, but the width was too narrow (as the US sizing chart would suggest). Whereas the 28 shell, gave me 15 mm of shell length gap (still within the 20 mm maximum boot fitting guideline, although not at the 10 mm desired gap). But the width was fine (as the US sizing chart would suggest).

    To give other riders a better idea if they have a chance of fitting into Full Tilts, FT boot riders please post:
    * your foot length in centimeters,
    * foot width in milimeters,
    * high/average/low instep and
    * what mondo/FT size you have (FT uses both mondo and US sizing).
    *Also make any notes that may be of value to others such as pressure points and if you heat molded the liner (over or hot air).

    My specs:
    28.2 cm longest foot when standing without footbed
    104 mm wide when standing without footbed
    average instep height
    28 mondo/size 10 Full Tilt boot
    * Fits well without any pressure points after home oven heat molding the liner and relocating the top cable's anchor point.
    * Was difficult to latch the bottom cable before heat molding with my custom foot bed installed.
    * Bottom cable put too much force on my instep before heat molding with my custom foot bed installed.
    * I had to relocate the anchor point of the top cable to lengthen it to fit around my leg.
    * After one season, I had the sides of my boots punched out to give my toes some extra width.

    This is what we have for data so far:

    ** Note that FFA has sold his FTs. He found that they were too narrow for his very wide foot. So be aware of the risk of trying to fit a wide foot into a FT.

    Check this thread for boot shell fit checks
    Last edited by slow; 01-02-2011, 04:06 PM. Reason: Added note about new "Influence" style FT boot and that I had my boots punched out after one season.

    Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

    Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

    Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

    Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

    Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts

  • #2
    Good idea Slow. I didn't think they'd work for me either because I always thought I had big feet. Turns out they fit great though and I should have tried them on a long time ago. I don't really think anyone knows what size a "wide foot" really is so this will help a lot to make the term relative instead of a mystery.

    One thing I'll say about Full Tilts, granted not having skied in them yet, is that they are lighter than any boot out there. The difference from my old boots blew me away and I can't wait to get out on the hill tomorrow for the first time to try them out.

    I'll post my sizes once I get a chance to measure at home.
    08 Condors -> FF Pros | 08 KTPs -> FF Pros | Line Sun 83s -> Line comp. Freeblocks


    • #3
      Originally posted by swallowevil View Post
      One thing I'll say about Full Tilts, granted not having skied in them yet, is that they are lighter than any boot out there.
      I am actually finding the opposite, My FTs are slightly heavier than my previous Performa 6.0 boots with Intuition liners. Probably depends on the brand and model. The new liner or all the material I removed by grinding the shells may have made the difference.

      Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

      Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

      Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

      Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

      Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts


      • #4

        Full Tilt riders, please pull out your tape measures or rulers. I will even convert your inch dimensions for you.

        This is a small way to help your skiboarding community. So just do it!

        Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

        Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

        Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

        Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

        Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts


        • #5
          So my wife and I went out for the first time tonight. I had a chance to try my Full Tilts (09 High Fives) for the first time and man they are awesome. I can't believe I've been riding so long in another boot. Anyways, I said I'd post my measurements to help others when looking at full tilts. Here they are:

          27.7cm in length
          10cm at the widest point

          (I have mondo size 28.0 high fives)
          08 Condors -> FF Pros | 08 KTPs -> FF Pros | Line Sun 83s -> Line comp. Freeblocks


          • #6
            Thanks swallowevil. What mondo boot size, 27.5 or 28?

            Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

            Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

            Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

            Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

            Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts


            • #7
              Originally posted by slow View Post
              Thanks swallowevil. What mondo boot size, 27.5 or 28?
              I went with size 28.0.
              08 Condors -> FF Pros | 08 KTPs -> FF Pros | Line Sun 83s -> Line comp. Freeblocks


              • #8

                I assume you did not heat mold.

                Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

                Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

                Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

                Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

                Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts


                • #9
                  Originally posted by slow View Post

                  I assume you did not heat mold.
                  nope, just wore them around the house for a couple hours and removed the heel spacer, other than that, I didn't do anything to them.
                  08 Condors -> FF Pros | 08 KTPs -> FF Pros | Line Sun 83s -> Line comp. Freeblocks


                  • #10
                    25.70 centimeters Length

                    95.25 millimeters Width.

                    27.5 boot Size

                    I'm hoping the boot will pack out a bit after the first day. My left toe is a bit scrunched. Fit
                    Revel8 2009 KTP
                    Spruce Pro 75
                    Full Tilt 2009 High Five


                    • #11
                      Thanks cn06.

                      Should the length read 27.5?

                      And no heat molding based on your comment?

                      Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

                      Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

                      Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

                      Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

                      Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts


                      • #12
                        Men's Shoe Size: 8.5
                        Mondo Size: 26.6
                        Shell: 301
                        Never have had my last measured.
                        Revel8 ALPdors
                        Gold Revel8 Receptors
                        Kneissl Flexon Pro Boots

                        Be who you are, it makes you charismatic...
                        If life's not beautiful without the pain, well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Godofmedia View Post
                          Men's Shoe Size: 8.5
                          Mondo Size: 26.6
                          Shell: 301
                          Never have had my last measured.
                          Just measure it by standing on a ruler please.

                          Osprey, Sherpa, Custom Coda 120WT, Custom DS110, Condor (Green), Spliff

                          Custom Twist Out duck foot bindings, Bombers (custom duck foot base plate and 3 pads), releasable S810ti on custom duck foot riser

                          Nordica N3 NXT ski boots (best so far)

                          Wife: 104 SII & 100 Blunt XL with S810ti bindings on custom "adjustable duck foot" risers

                          Loaners: 125LE, 105 EMP, 101 KTP, 100 Blunt XL, 98 Slapdash, 88 Blunts


                          • #14
                            101 last.
                            Revel8 ALPdors
                            Gold Revel8 Receptors
                            Kneissl Flexon Pro Boots

                            Be who you are, it makes you charismatic...
                            If life's not beautiful without the pain, well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by slow View Post
                              I am actually finding the opposite, My FTs are slightly heavier than my previous Performa 6.0 boots with Intuition liners. Probably depends on the brand and model. The new liner or all the material I removed by grinding the shells may have made the difference.

                              That's odd. The pair of FT's I have are lighter than any ski boot I've ever handled by a large margin. I wonder if different FT models weigh the same? Do you know how much yours weigh? I'll weigh mine tonight when I get home. I'll be careful not to use my "special" fish scales.


