need advices.....what; where;how;...prices..places to buy...which is da best..!!! ? ? ?
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Giro, I think. But try a bunch on and decide which one feels the best. Same deal as boots. Really, if you think about it, it's not like there are helmets that are gonna protect you and others that aren't... they're all designed for it.~How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 10. 1 to do it, and 9 to say 'I can do that.'~
I have a BLUE PROTEC snowboarding helmet. i would be willing to sell it if your interested, its only ever been used twice. Its in Perfect condition. theres no scratches, cracks, ect.....i can email you pictures if your interested. it was $65.00 brand new. i used it twice and its sat in the box ever since!!!....the price tag is even of the box...let me know if you would be interested! thanxSKIBOARDING RULES!
Originally posted by allz
...sorry, i am in Latvia...faaar away from u !
(shipping is expencive)
hey man no problem!...just thought i'd throw the offer at yeah!....u can make me an offer of something includeing shipping, i just wan tthe damn thing out of my house. its no use to me anymore! if u wanna make an offer go ahead!....but if not no problem!!SKIBOARDING RULES!