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Alp/Dlp flex 07, 09 , 10 , 11

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  • Alp/Dlp flex 07, 09 , 10 , 11

    Are there any flex differences in the 07,09 LE ,10,11 alp/Dlp boards . I am a bigger guy 260lbs 5'10" but athletic and I am not sure if I should go for more or less flex. Also would the Condor be a better choice because of my weight ? I like to carve , jump and ride fakie mostly. Not a huge park guy but I dabble occasionally. I will be using spruce risers if it make a difference.


  • #2
    07 ALPs come only in a softer flex, and I think the difference is bi-axial fiberglass vs. tri-axial. The 07' model used to come in two flexes, the choice being made by the customer via drop down box when putting them in the cart. The other ALPs, DLPs are all medium flex, but they're pretty stiff. I doubt you'd have many complaints.

    I believe the Condors have a similar flex to the soft '07 ALPs, but you'll get more float. The Condors are wider and also require more effort to get on edge, but if you're an aggressive rider, you may enjoy this or find it not to be that noticeable. Risers will help with carving.

    I'm 6'1, 180 lbs, and I haven't noticed a big difference between my '07 and '09 ALPs, to be honest. I do notice a difference between the ALPs and my Woodies, but those are the stiffest boards you can buy (eBay, craigslist). They knife through crud.

