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^nice post greco, really funny
Review: Human Infant
Originally posted by beeejumsI got one of these the other day, and I've had a couple of days to mess around with it, so I thought I'd do a review.
We'll start off with a picture... this is a size comparison with my Ohana Sopranino:
And here's a picture of me trying to play something:
* What year was it made? 2009, sometime in March.
* How many frets? I haven't found frets, leading me to believe it's fretless.
* Solid-Top? Laminated top? The top is a little soft right now, but I believe it's a six-piece bone top. It should harden over the next year or so.
* Any pickups or electronics? I'm not sure. There is one place I think I could plug in a cable, but I'm kind of afraid to try.
* Finish: Onesie
* Body style: Female
* Tuners: Can't be tuned. I've tried, but I just can't get it to play in tune at all.
* How does it suit your music style? It's loud, and that's a plus, but it's hard to play it expressively.
* Rich/Full sound? A very full sound that should only get better with age as the lung capacity increases.
Action, Fit & Finish
* How well was the ukulele set-up at the factory? Pretty well. The nose was a bit squished upon delivery, and it was a little slimy when I opened the box, but everything seemed to be more or less in order.
* Properly bookmatched top? Thankfully, yes.
* Properly routed bridge? Again, we're grateful for the proper routing on the bridge.
* Did the ukulele contain any flaws? No physical flaws, but some personality defects may arise and are normal. Even desirable. It's too early to tell.
* Will this ukulele withstand live playing? Not right now. I'd have to get a little more comfortable with it.
* Does the hardware seem like it will last? I certainly hope so...
* Is the finish good enough to last, or does it seem thin and easy to wear off with lots of playing? The finish should be fine as long as I remember to wipe front to back (If you don't get that joke, you're too young. Ask your mom).
* Can you depend on it? I hope so. Lord knows I'm not building any retirement right now.
* Would you use it on a gig without a backup? Keeping a backup around represents a financial burden I'm not able to handle right now.
Customer Support
* If you've dealt with the company, how helpful/friendly were they? Umm... Well, I enjoyed the ordering process.
* Ever try and get it repaired? Not yet. I expect it should clean up nicely, as long as we avoid anything catastrophic.
* Was it under warranty? No, but I bought insurance.
Overall Rating
* How long have you been playing? Only a few days, but I think I'll pick it up quickly.
* What other gear do you own? To go along with this one? Entirely too much.
* Is there something you wish you had asked before buying this ukulele? Not really. I was given more "free advice" than I ever wanted.
* If it were stolen or lost, would you buy it again or get something else? I suppose I'd have to make another one. It would suck though. I'm kind of attached.
* What do you love about it? Tax deduction.
* What do you hate? It kind of smells.
* Did you compare it to other ukuleles? Which ones? Yes, there are many times when I have difficulty deciding which one to pick up.
* Why did you choose this one? All I did was place the order. The factory decided everything else for me. That's definitely one of the disadvantages of ordering through this channel. I know some people order models that were made in China or elsewhere... I haven't tried, but I assume there's more choice involved in that process.
All in all, I'm happy. No buyer's remorse.
And this is where I've been lately, for those UU'ers that know me. It's about time.