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What's the deal with silicon?

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  • What's the deal with silicon?

    I found myself needing some electrically conductive silicon. It's cool. Sometimes, when you're a guy you need a little electrically conductive silicon. So, off to the handy dandy home store I go. I'm excited. This is guy stuff. I mean, when was the last time you seen a chick purchasing good, old ECS? I don't need much which makes me feel even more like a guy. Young dudes buy more than they need. They're compensating. Not experienced guys. We buy what we need. We know what's up. 10 minutes later I walk out with a calk gun and lifetime supply sized tube full of ECS. Why? It was cheaper that way. I don't get that. I could have purchased this small, Elmer's glue sized bottle of the stuff for like $7. Instead, I got a calk tube full of it for $2.50 and a cheap calk gun for another $2. Same stuff produced by the same company. The small stuff was prominently displayed on hooks at the front of the isle and the calk tubes were at the back of the store where bulk stuff is sold. What's the deal with that?
    "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Jiddu Krisnamurti

    Spruce Sherpa - RVL8 KTP - RVL8 Blunt XL

  • #2
    umm. they know you "older" guys have more money than us younger guys.

