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What the hell do people do with their lives

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  • What the hell do people do with their lives

    Today I was having a conversation with a guy I know in the building I work. We're friendly and all but don't really know each other. Anyway, he asked if I went skiing this weekend and I said I was out with Larry. He said, "But, Larry's like old". I told him that Larry kinda' has it going on and he should come out with us this coming weekend. "Oh, I don't ski." "It's cool to snowboard. Hell, Larry's on regular skis, I'm on skiboards. You'll round out the field" "No, I don't do winter" "Why?" "It's cold" "You don't own clothes?" "What do you do all winter?" "Stay inside." "Damn, well, it's actually kind of warm, now. Spring skiing. You should come. You won't have to chip in the first few times. Like any good dealer, I want to addict you first." "No, I'm good." "OK. Cool. What are you doing this weekend?" "Drinking beer and playing video games like every weekend." "Really?" "I mean that's what you do?" "Yea." "Alright, I need to get back to it." "Later." "Later"

    Really, is this what people's lives have come to?
    "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Jiddu Krisnamurti

    Spruce Sherpa - RVL8 KTP - RVL8 Blunt XL

  • #2
    I am impressed. Sounds like the guy could make a sentence, and never once mentioned Facebook. Thats rare in these parts................... especially the sentence thing!
    Crossbow (go to dream board)
    Most everything else over time.
    Go Android


    • #3
      Not mine. Haven't touched console games in months. I've found that sunshine, motorcycles, ukuleles, and hikes are far more addicting.

      Natural selection I guess.

      Oh, and skiboarding. But that's over until December.


      • #4
        I can't poke too much fun, seeing as I spend a TON of time online and/or playing video games... however, when my friends (the very few there are) prompt me to have some fun, I go along with. Being a hermit kinda sucks, but I feel a bit stuck.

        This year is the year I got back into snow sliding, and I am suffering withdrawal already. Still a few things open around here, but I'm poor and I like to go when it's actually gonna be worth the money. All this rain and warmth is killing my glades and moguls.

        I recently volunteered at a local theater to work light and soundboards, and I've started mountain biking, so hopefully I am at home less and less. Next skiing season is when I begin to learn tricks.

        So, I try! But my vidja games are a staple. I've wasted 23 hours on Final Fantasy XIII already. If I was an addict, I would've finished it already, but I'm two weeks out.


        • #5
          I love sitting down and playing a good video game. However to pass up a chance to get outdoors and hang out with actual live people, it just absurd. Sadly this is seen way way too often any more. More and more people would rather sit inside actively avoiding the beautiful outdoors.

          Oh well, I guess on the bright side it means less crowds when we go out and enjoy the wonderful outdoors.


          • #6
            we seek to live to the fullest, some are happy to lead a completely meager, pathetic existence. What I've learned is these people need to be allowed to just exist in this terrible manner, and waste their lives.



            • #7

              I've been meaning to ask you about those goggles. They look great. Make/model?
              "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Jiddu Krisnamurti

              Spruce Sherpa - RVL8 KTP - RVL8 Blunt XL


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mark View Post
                we seek to live to the fullest, some are happy to lead a completely meager, pathetic existence. What I've learned is these people need to be allowed to just exist in this terrible manner, and waste their lives.
                I for one get a big kick out of Mark's dry wit. One of my buddies has a similar, understated sense of humor. Funniest guy I know, but some never get it.

                I noticed those goggles as well. It looks like they have a substantial field of view.


                • #9

                  Electric EG2's I think

                  funny thing is, the pic at is actually one of Mark himself


                  • #10
                    This is actually a primary topic of a leadership team I work with and some of the training we are delivering - the evolution (and in many instances degradation) of social capital, the decline of meaningful interpersonal relations and human interaction, the real being replaced with the virtual (Wii tennis instead of real tennis, Rockband instead of actually learning an instrument), email, text and electronic correspondence resulting in the slow death of the elegance of the written word, entertainment replacing interaction, declining participation in civic organizations, live social clubs, etc.

                    There was an interesting study completed by a research team at Berkeley on the effects of the bombardment and exponential growth of media and information, its affect on the value placed on mutually meaningful dialog and the dying art of conversation.

                    Those that value entertainment over live activity do not have a problem with this movement. Those that value direct interaction and live activity more ... like many of us ... are having a hard time with it.

                    There are definite advantages. We would not have gotten our Shredfest crew together from all over the US, Canada, and UK without this forum. The balance is leveraging technology like this to "enhance" our communication and interaction, not replace what is real and personal.
                    Skis: Armada JJs, Armada Magic Js and Icelantic Keepers
                    Bindings: Marker Griffon, Look Pivot
                    Full Tilt Boots
                    Past: Revel8 Tanshos, KTPs, Revolts, DLPs, Condors; Spruce Raptors, 120s, Sherpas


                    • #11
                      You have to get your butt out and do real things.... skiboard, bike ride, water sports... take up a musical instrument, even pulling some weeds can be be rewarding. If you don't use your body contructively, it won't be there when you decide to do something as simple as run to catch a green light. The mind feeds off the body. It always amazes me as to what some people think is living. Logged 18 miles today on my mountain bike. My good buddy like to go to Indian casinos for recreation. Recreation?

                      Now: 08 Sherpa's (2), Atomic 120's, 2013 125 Protos, 125 LEs, 2014 Sherpas, Osprey protos, 2015 Blunt XL's, 2016 Ospreys, Ethan Too twintip skis,2017 Shredfest One of kind Spliffs, 2018 Crossbows
                      Bindings: Spruce Risers and Tyrolia LD12's
                      Boots: Full Tilt Booters, Tecnica Agent 110
                      History: Atomic shorty's, Sporten, Groove Taxis, Head 94's, ALPs, Spruce 120 Blue boards, Custom Lacroixs, Rocker Condors, 08 Summit 110's, Hagan offlimits 133's, Rossi 130's, 2011 Summit Marauders


                      • #12
                        I'm one of the worst offenders for sitting on my lazy ass and doing nothing for a day other then video games. Winter is my active season, getting out skiboarding as much as I can, but I've really gotta push myself to get out during the summer. I'm hoping I'll actually be able to do that this summer, now that I know a few more skaters again. Hopefully.
                        2012 Rockered Condors/Spruce Pro Sport///Revolt Cities/Snowjam Extreme2's


                        • #13
                          I can appreciate video games but I'd definitely rather be outside enjoying nature and good weather. That's what I like, I've found that everyone has the things they like though, just because I like the outdoors doesn't mean my gamer friends are going to come join me. It doesn't mean they are a lesser people than I am or vice versa. Everyone fits in somewhere in the grand scheme of things, that's really what I've come to learn. There may be people who do things I don't like but I've noticed everything has to have a balance and that's how things work. When I realized that things just make more sense.
                          08 Condors -> FF Pros | 08 KTPs -> FF Pros | Line Sun 83s -> Line comp. Freeblocks


                          • #14

                            I like to shake it up by binging on one activity at a time. A few days of Borderlands here, a day or two of skiing there, and sneaking out for drinks every now and then all within the frame-work my classes allow. I would be batting 100 if I didn't have to sprinkle work in


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by FightingForAir View Post
                              This is actually a primary topic of a leadership team I work with and some of the training we are delivering - the evolution (and in many instances degradation) of social capital, the decline of meaningful interpersonal relations and human interaction, the real being replaced with the virtual (Wii tennis instead of real tennis, Rockband instead of actually learning an instrument), email, text and electronic correspondence resulting in the slow death of the elegance of the written word, entertainment replacing interaction, declining participation in civic organizations, live social clubs, etc.

                              There was an interesting study completed by a research team at Berkeley on the effects of the bombardment and exponential growth of media and information, its affect on the value placed on mutually meaningful dialog and the dying art of conversation.
                              FFA, I'm currently reading a book that tries to capitalize on this very thing.


