Today I was having a conversation with a guy I know in the building I work. We're friendly and all but don't really know each other. Anyway, he asked if I went skiing this weekend and I said I was out with Larry. He said, "But, Larry's like old". I told him that Larry kinda' has it going on and he should come out with us this coming weekend. "Oh, I don't ski." "It's cool to snowboard. Hell, Larry's on regular skis, I'm on skiboards. You'll round out the field" "No, I don't do winter" "Why?" "It's cold" "You don't own clothes?" "What do you do all winter?" "Stay inside." "Damn, well, it's actually kind of warm, now. Spring skiing. You should come. You won't have to chip in the first few times. Like any good dealer, I want to addict you first." "No, I'm good." "OK. Cool. What are you doing this weekend?" "Drinking beer and playing video games like every weekend." "Really?" "I mean that's what you do?" "Yea." "Alright, I need to get back to it." "Later." "Later"
Really, is this what people's lives have come to?
Really, is this what people's lives have come to?